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Cedar Grove Sauna is moving!


Cedar Grove Sauna's Montville location is closing April 1st for the season in order to move to our new location in South Montville. We will spend the summer moving the saunas and building infrastructure on the land.

New Location FAQ

When will you be closed/When will you reopen?

We will close the current Montville location on April 1. We will reopen at the new South Montville location late fall.

What about the mobile saunas? Will they stay open?

Yes! Presently, the mobile saunas will be open through May 12 at Popham Beach (book a session here). We may do some more mobile sauna popups this summer, tbd. The mobile saunas will be fully open again in September as usual. Hop on our email list to stay in the loop.

What will you do with Burrow and Perch?

Burrow and Perch are coming with! It’ll take a crane, tractor, big truck and tilt bed trailer, but Jackie built these saunas with transportation in mind.

Where’s the new land? Can I come look?

South Montville, basically Liberty Village. It’s about a 15 minute drive south on 220 from the current location, and readily accessible off of Route 3. We’ll share the address as we get closer to opening. For now, we are not welcoming the public to the land, but will let you know when we’re ready.

Tell us about the land!

The new 30 acre property contains five deep spring-fed ponds, and almost half of the property is water. Perfect for a sauna village. It's readily accessible off of Route 3 and Route 220. 

Our new land was once a gravel pit, last harvested in the 90’s, and fully reforested. The land is full of springs, so when the excavator dug deeper, the pits filled with water. 

Jackie spent the summer and fall swimming here almost daily, and ice skating from pond to pond has been magical this winter.

What’s the grand vision for the land, for the business?

In searching for a new property, someone suggested Jackie finds land that is far larger than our current needs require. This land can hold so much. We’re remaining open to possibilities in the future, and could fill an entire website with our current ideas. But to summarize our actual plans: we’ll have more saunas, a dedicated public-sauna-all-the-time-sauna, changing facilities, flushing toilets, an indoor hangout space, rentable indoor spaces, rooms for healing practitioners, and maybe even overnight accommodations. But all this takes time and money, so be patient as we roll out this vision over the coming years. 

What will be different?

This coming season, things will be very similar - both Burrow and Perch are coming, offering their great heat and beautiful outdoor spaces. Some differences: the cold plunge will be in the ponds, we’ll have SO much parking available, and our hours will expand.

Why are you moving?

What started out as a tiny idea has grown into so much more. We have known all along that the dream was saunas on water - the ability to swim freely in between hot rounds is the ultimate sauna experience. Jackie has been searching for land for over a year, walking many dozens of stream-front and lake-front properties. Sauna research trips to Europe have fueled the desire for wild water. 

We also want to be able to open our doors a little wider and offer more opportunities for connection, which will require more space, more parking, more buildings.

Will you hire me to be a Sauna Host at the new location?

Maybe. We’ll put a call-out for applicants in the fall if there are any openings. Hop on our email list to stay in the loop.

How can I help?

Several ways…

  • If you believe in our mission and have lots of money to loan, reach out! 🙂

  • Have a contractor to recommend? Needs include a…

  • Carpentry crew

  • Excavator for roads, site prep, pond digging

  • Landscape architect

  • Engineer

  • Electrician

  • Plumber

  • Arborist or logger

  • Project Manager

  • Handy humans who are skilled at many things

  • And much more

How can I stay informed about all of the sauna updates?

We send out updates to our email list and you can join the list here. You can also follow along on social media. Follow along on Instagram. Follow along on Facebook.

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